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  • I'm having time issues as well, and the only one time we tried to schedule a match against the TNT guys they didn't show up. I don't know how much more time there is for this tournament but it really can become an issue. I'll find out if Copkilla can find another partner with more available time.
    • Erf nabs I'm back
      i was reading alll this stuff here about KgB cheating and shit ..i rlly dont know these ppl (only busta is know to me)

      but i think razor overreacted cos i had honor to be kicked 2 times from his game
      i killed all his buddies in that first game including dave airbites and him
      all called me cheater ..i was removed from game just cos i had near 20 kills in no time and 2-3 deaths
      and funny thing is I wasn't playing for 2 weeks and i was a bit rusty and slow
      but you were in my domain killing is my job (so i'm not surprised with your reaction) in that game i completed just one task but make genocide to your teammates and gave  great opportunity for my team to complete tasks

      when i enterd third lobby there were some ppl (abled bossdogg etc)
      and i introduced myself to them...then razor suddenly change his story...

      i'm sorry to say this really dont like to lose and you have no real skill/knowledge to anyone to accuse (i play sometimes undercover just to see reactions from other ppl ,and its good way to see how some players can be fair and admit that they might be defeated by some new stranger)
      i respect some players from xHHx like leomoca and horty craige but you're attitude is embarrassing your clan

      its not best screen cos there was a lot of talk in lobby

      but look at this one..look at the score..nobody from this team called me a cheater and it was game after you kicked me

      stay cool nab
      (nab is not noob nab lol)
      • we 've got good expirience at using cheats virtuozlyduring our 2 matches, that was awesome. So, i wanna say :thank u Skullz for trying make a tournament. Maybe next time it ll work.

        xHHx Angry nubs:
        • The tournament isn't over.
          • ok, i want to give a short statement about my opinion of all this.

            as we all see, this tournament is allready fucked up, many people left it.
            some people blamed the others to be cheaters and so on. ok, np so far, i understand this
            but thats not everything: the tournament made some players to say alot really unfair and hurting words. when there was peace between them before the tournament, suddently they started to hate eachother.
            i mean some people really cant stop insulting and kicking other players anymore now. thats what makes me really sad.
            this tournament started as a good idea, but in fact it was a bad idea, it caused problems only, and was no fun.

            i give you an example to understand me better:

            is that the reason y i play games? i get into a lobby and people start to insult and kick me (i mean really hard insultings!)? ok you can say there are allways haters and assholes online, but i talk of people, who were really nice before this tournament, and i couldnt imagine that their mind can suddently change like that.
            some got a really bad behavior, and in my opinion civilized persons shouldnt talk with eachother like that, we are not animals, you know. this makes me really sad. sad

            again: sry to the providers (imperial), but in the end this tourny wasnt a good idea, because it split the tmw-players still more. i know you spent a lot of care to realize this, and i want to thank you for that. but the world aint ready for something like that, as we see. i mean its not worth doing it, when you see its consequences.

            good bye, and think about it
            • erf, you all don't know Razz as good as I do I guess. When my H2K clan was relatively new I played some TMW with worstnews. In the first minutes Razz started calling him you heard above, Aureus was called cheater by him too (and kicked) far as I heard it leomooca talked to him about this too but a conversation won't change his character.

              Well, let's just forget what happened so far, just tell me if there are still people that want to finish this tournament. If not then it's closed.

              So, please tell me which teams still want to play.

              • erf, you all don't know Razz as good as I do I guess. When my H2K clan was relatively new I played some TMW with worstnews. In the first minutes Razz started calling him cheater....

                Yeah, I remember: I never forget such bullshits even if I don't spend my life seeking for revenge.
                He was in a car and I was already a decent shooter: I fragged him easily, 1st time we crossed each other's ways.
                He started to insult me.
                That's Razz.

                I never played with him again, I didn't add him as friend when he asked me on ISI account, BUT STILL I don't go around insulting him: I just let it go. wink

                • Raven say : Nabs.

                  For those who are insulting or what else, don't forget this tournaments were made just to keep alive this game, and not to "kill someone in virtual life".

                  Some playing as their life was menaced, if they loose, it's like they loose in real life too ?

                  Nah stop this, or ignore this dudes.
                  • I didn't get any info of teams that still wanna play, so this tournament is closed. Sorry for all that got called cheaters and those who wanted some nice matches.
                    • So Roland you now know how pleasant is to be in my shoes. Are you so pissed off to be called a cheater? How many times you and your KgB teammates did that to me and I never insulted anyone? I thought you guys would be free of the "cheat world" without me and take a look at the mess you all managed to come up with.

                      Can't say I wasn't expecting such an ending. Good thing I couldn't play. Too bad there's good people trying to make a good tournament and the TMW players manage to fuck it up. I even had to hear shit about players training "cheat tactics to play against leomooca".

                      So now it's all Razz's fault? Come on, we all know him somehow. No one was able to talk to him and messages just start popping up in this forum?

                      Thanks to all tournament organizers for the initiative. And THANKS TO THE TMW PLAYERS who fucked it all up.

                      This discussion is closed to further replies. Keep calm and carry on.
