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  • Take2 reported:

    * Grand Theft Auto franchise: 114 million
    * Midnight Club franchise: 18.5 million
    * NBA2K franchise: 17 million
    * Red Dead Redemption: 12.5 million
    * Civilization franchise: 11 million
    * BioShock franchise: 9 million
    * Carnival Games franchise: 8 million
    * Max Payne franchise: 7.5 million
    * Mafia franchise: 5 million
    * Borderlands franchise: 4.5 million
    * The Darkness: 1 million

    The sales starting from every 1st game , that  means GTA starts in the year 1997 with GTA 1 , till september 2011.
    GTA IV already beats San Andreas with 22 million sales.

    After so much money making and creating so many games , they couldnt fix GTA IV ?
    • What is there to fix? It's a great game for what it is: random nab fun

      Without the small bugs and glitches it would be a lot less interesting for most players. The sync is actually quite decent if you compare it with similar games. Most MP problems are caused by GfWL. You can't beat dedicated servers with any other MP system.