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  • "On a perfect night in Berlin, with a tailwind of 1 mile per hour, the Jamaican put his 100-meters world record into the range of the superhuman, winning his first world title with a time of 9.58 seconds."  :o shocked shocked

    No, this dude isn't from our galaxy, he's from another world...or maybe he's the best ' hacker ' of the century lol  >:( tongue

    And you, what you think about the SuperBolt performance ??  :-\ undecided
    • look at this he is a cool guy  :D
      • Yeah Usain is great . Unbelievable. I saw both 100 and 200 m and he is AMAZING.
        On 200 he was already first in curve ,when they come near finish line i knew something special happend .
        and I think he can do even more better.
        Now I'm waiting for 4 X 100. If Bolt , Asafa Powell and two other Jamaican in posse score a World REcord after OG in Peking ,i belive that Usain will become Immortal.

        I really like this guy, he is cool,funny,open for all kind of things. it was really nice to see how he and Wallace Spearmon had fun before start (200m) ,even they are biggest competition there.

        I think that he is all natural ,and pure that is really rare in today's sport.
