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RPG Cup ...

  • RPG is my favourite weapon and I would like to sign up in 1 on 1 RPG cup but Im "well known lagger" my ping to Frankfurt, Germany is 200, my net speed is usualy less than 1MB/S and I have only 40 FPS on lowest graphic settings but I dont think it will be problem I have NO LAGGS when I play 1 vs 1.

    So I dont need  more than 1MB/S  to play 1 vs 1 and  I can play with low FPS, I dont need more. Can I join?
    • you probably don't even have steady 30 fps ingame most of the time and your internet connection is not meant to be used for online gaming at all. When your fps are low, your cpu can't handle the game good and when your cpu is already busy handling a game it can't control the input and output of your internet connection. So overall it will make you really laggy.

      We set a minimum requirements even for the All-Open-Cup to avoid such extreme laggers actually, so it's more fun for everyone and there are less complaints or rages because of lag.
      • My CPU can handle the game but GPU cant :/

        Watch this video if you want see my lags in action  tongue

        • That's even worse then a japanese guy who's using a computer he found in the garbage and is downloading Scream 4 at the same time he's playing gta.

          • That's even worse then a japanese guy who's using a computer he found in the garbage and is downloading Scream 4 at the same time he's playing gta.

            That sums it up.