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  • I don't think he was SSU Raven, he just said that it's the owner of SSU but there are already 3 points why I don't want you in the clan:

    1. your history is too close to all this SSU bullshit
    2. the "I play on my brothers account"-thing seems fishy
    3. your age

    • and also ISU Raven

      Other profiles: xHHx Brandon, SSU Caveman, MWS Cougar, MCU VIper, BrandTheKing, ISU Raven... (+ It´s realy near: SSU Raven)

      We got today (2h later) a application from "Urgedheadshots" "bro". lol
      Read here:

      Peace Ryder
      • Lol Fun I know those names. Caveman and the other ones really sucked in the matches I played, You can easily see that is is a SSU member. xD
        • Alright its cool if im not in i love the clan and all the people in it but if u dont want me in i respect that and yes my bro signed up for FUN clan cause hes looking for a clan really badly and SSU Raven only told me he was TnC Hurricane so i dont know wat the fuck is going on

          • I'm getting tired of everyone using the \"my bro\"-story. :/

   my case it's true  grin

            This discussion is closed to further replies. Keep calm and carry on.
